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August 12, 1998 centennial flag raising
Length 7:33
PAUL NEVES: And this is where Sanford Dole turned over our Hawaii, our nation, to the United States, through the exchange of treasonous documents with the United States minister, Harold Sewall.
When Dole handed his document to the minister, he proclaimed that a treaty had been made. But we know now that no treaty of annexation was made between Hawaii and the United States of America. in large part because of the massive opposition of the Hawaiian people through the anti-annexation petitions. The treaty of annexation failed to pass the United States Senate.
But Mr. Dole and his friends tried to make the exchange look legitimate. Minister Sewall handed Dole a copy of a Joint Resolution of the United States Congress. Under the laws of the United States of America in its own constitution, a joint resolution is not a legal way to annex another country.
Earlier that week, the Hawaiian people, the Kanaka Maoli, through their political organizations, the Hui Aloha Aina and the Hui Kalaiaina, had sent a formal protest to both Dole and United States Minister Sewall. That protest said in part:
The Declaration of American independence expresses that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. Therefore, be it resolved that, as the representatives of a large and influential body of native Hawaiians, we solemnly protest against annexation in the manner proposed which fails to obtain the consent of the people of the Hawaiian islands.
SONG: Kaulana Na Pua
PAUL NEVES: The men on the platform here one hundred years ago today ignored the voice of the people which Liliuokalani believed was the voice of God.
The Hawaiian patriotic leagues organized a formal boycott of these ceremonies August 12, 1898. Queen Liliuokalani remained at Washington Place surrounded by family and friends.
When at noon, ka hae aloha, our beloved national flag was lowered and the United States flag raised, Hawaiian members of the government band put down their instruments and walked away. They refused to play Hawaii Ponoi on such a treasonous occasion.
Today, ka hae Hawaii, our beloved national flag, will be raised to its position of honor a hundred years ago by a group of united hands from our community.
Please join symbolically in the raising of the national flag of the Hawaiian Kingdom. My brothers and sisters, may our hearts, our strength and our unity rise with our Hawaiian flag. God save the nation.